Exciting News Sacred Heart!

06-24-2024Facilities Master Planning Committee Update

We have officially hired SFS Architecture to assist us on creating a new master plan for our parish campus! The Committee feels very fortunate to be working with Kelly Stindt, Dana Vos and Kelsey Mahoney from SFS.

The most important part of this process is to hear from our parish community. We will do this in the following ways:


Why a Facilities Master Planning Committee?

05-16-2024Facilities Master Planning Committee Update

It became known through the Parish Planning Workshop held in September 2023, the desire to re-visit our facility master plan. After approval from the Archdiocese, we formed a Facility Master Planning Committee (FMPC) and began meeting in February of 2024. They will be charged with assessing our entire campus, interviewing and selecting an architect firm to help guide us through this master plan process and approving the final master plan.


May 3

05-02-2024Facilities Master Planning Committee Update

We now have a great opportunity to focus in on the next steps of where we want to have SHOJ head towards.

The committee has met three times so far.

We are in the RFP process and soon going to be choosing an architect.

Going forward, there will be continuous updates on what’s going on and how to keep the SHOJ community included. These updates will be in the flock note, some bulletin announcements, Mass announcement and we will have a Tab online with a time frame and history of where we are in this endeavor.