Are you ready to invest in your relationship and strengthen your marriage?
Join us for a 7-session course designed for couples looking to strengthen their marriage by deepening a couple's relationship with Christ through the Eucharist.
This program is designed to encourage couples to build and deepen their relationship with Christ through the Mass and the Eucharist as they strengthen their relationship with their spouse. Because the best way to live out our earthly marriage is to model it after the heavenly marriage revealed to us in the Wedding Feast of the Lamb: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
Dates: Mar 24, 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, May 5, & 19
In Meeting Rooms 1 & 2
Cost: $30.00 per couple
What to Expect:
We don’t want childcare to be a barrier for anyone. If you need assistance finding childcare for these evening sessions, please contact Erin at
We look forward to seeing you there!