Formation Ministries
“I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is for your good, and lead you on the way you should go.”
—Isaiah 46:17
Baptism Preparation
What We Do: Instruct parents in the Sacrament of Baptism so they may more fully understand their role and responsibility in raising children in the Catholic faith.
Whom We Serve: Parish Community
Training: 2 hours for lead instructors.
Time Commitment: Monthly Baptism Preparation classes are held on Sunday afternoons every month (approximately 3 hours). Leaders usually instruct 2-3 times a year.
Contact: Parish Office at 913-422-5700 or
Confirmation Preparation
What We Do: Prepare 8th Grade students for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Whom We Serve: 8th Grade students and their families
Training: N/A
Time Commitment: Varies based on role.
Contact: Jen Zans at, 913.422.5700
D-A-S-H (Dads at Sacred Heart)
DASH (Dads at Sacred Heart) is a ministry with the mission to bring fathers together for friendship, fellowship, and accountability. Whether you are expecting your first child or getting ready to be an empty nester, DASH is a great place to meet like-minded fathers who are striving to be the best husbands and fathers that they can be and to be a solid leader in their domestic church. In an effort to help fortify and equip fathers in their missions, each monthly session includes a short presentation, small group discussion, and socialization. We meet year-round on the third Thursday of each month.
Marriage Preparation
What We Do: Prepare engaged couples for faith filled marriages.
Whom We Serve: Engaged couples of the parish.
Training: For Lead Couples, a weekend training is required.
Time Commitment: Five (5) 3-hour weekly sessions.
Contact: Fr. Jaime Zarse at, 913.422.5700 ext. 204
M*A*S*H (Men at Sacred Heart)
What We Do: Meet Tuesday mornings at 6:30 a.m. for Mass, catechism, fellowship and faith sharing.
Whom We Serve: Parish men 18 or over.
Training: N/A
Time Commitment: Meetings take place every Tuesday morning. Participants attend as their schedule allows.
Contact: William Hess at, 913.422.8952 or Chris Morrissey at, 913.485.3926
Mother's Circle
What We Do: Mother's Circle provides a way for moms in the parish to connect with one another, share fellowship and faith formation, and dig deeper into the beautiful and challenging role of Catholic motherhood! Together we pursue holy friendships, growing in our own relationships with Christ and our understanding of the Church, and working together to serve our parish and community.
Time Commitment: Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm (generally in Meeting Rooms 1&2, subject to change). Meetings are stand-alone, so join us when you can!
Contact: Kim Feist at and Kylie Gaustad at
We communicate through an email list on Realm - please let us know if you'd like to be added, and make sure your preferences within Realm allow you to receive messages through your email inbox and not just within Realm.
Respect Life Ministry
What We Do: To promote and protect the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death through prayer, witness, compassion, education and public policy in our parish, community, state and nation. Prays Respect Life Rosary with Knights of Columbus the last Saturday of each month.
Whom We Serve: Parish and Community.
Training: No training required, just a passionate heart.
Time Commitment: Meets quarterly in addition to ongoing email communications.
Contact: Patti Kettler at or 913-620-5930
RCIA Sponsor / Mentor
What We Do: Volunteer to support an individual who is investigating the Catholic faith as they journey through the Catechumenate and discover the richness of our Catholic life in Christ.
Whom We Serve: All who desire to know more about being Catholic.
Training: 1 hour in September.
Time Commitment: Attend weekly sessions with candidate from mid-September through April.
Contact: Char Mies at
First Sacraments (Virtus trained volunteers)
What We Do: This ministry provides formal religious sacramental preparation for all students enrolled in Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School or public school.
Whom We Serve: Parish children who need formation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation.
Training: Several levels of training are provided according to the various volunteer roles. All volunteers must be Virtus Certified by taking a Workshop called Protecting God’s Children.
Time Commitment: Volunteer time commitment varies.
Confirmation Contact: Jen Zans at, 913.422.5700
1st Sacraments Contact: Emily Dumber at
School of Religion (SOR) (Virtus trained volunteers)
What We Do: This ministry provides formal religious education classes from kindergarten through 8th grade who do not attend a Catholic School and sacramental preparation for all students enrolled in either school.
Whom We Serve: Children of the Parish who attend Public School.
Training: Several levels of training are provided according to the various volunteer roles. All volunteers must be Virtus Certified by taking a Workshop called Protecting God’s Children.
Time Commitment: Volunteer time commitment varies from Catechists committing a few hours per week to special event volunteers who commit a few hours per year.
Contact: Emily Dumler at, 913.422.5700 ext. 202
Vacation Bible School (Children Morning Summer Camp with Virtus trained volunteers)
What We Do: Teach our young children about Christ’s love through song, scripture, activities and fellowship.
Whom We Serve: Children of our parish.
Training: approximately 1 hour prior
Time Commitment: Dependent on what volunteer needs are for each session.
Contact: Parish Office at 913-422-5700 or
Youth Ministry (Middle School & High School)
Middle School Youth Ministry is available to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and meets weekly from September to April. It serves as youth group for our Catholic School students and our public school students while providing religious education in an interactive, social and entertaining environment.
Our High School Youth Ministry program is open to all 9th-12th grade students and meets monthly on Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. from September to April. We will have music, presentations, games and small groups each session. We cover many topics ranging from morality, prayer, Scripture, relationships and current events.
Contact: Jen Zans at or 913.422.5700