High School Youth Ministry

High School youth currently meet at Sacred Heart every Sunday evening from 6:00-7:45pm in Meeting Rooms 1 & 2.

Following the YDisciple program series of videos and discussion topics, students learn how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Snacks and games are included in each session. Contact Jen for more details or to sign up!

What is YDisciple?

An extension of High School Youth Ministry, YDisciple is a small group discipleship program for teens in 9th-12th grade. Each small group consists of 2 adult mentors and 5-10 teens of the same gender. Each small group meets based on their own schedule, 2-4 times a month for approximately 90 minutes in the homes of the participants.

In a small group a teen can feel understood, respected and loved. A level of confidentiality can be achieved which provides teens the freedom to share their struggles and doubts. In a small group there is a greater possibility to discover things that teens don’t understand and have a discussion about them.

To form a small group of your own, contact Jen Zans for help in getting started.

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