Ministries of the Mass

“Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.”

—Philippians 4:6

Altar Servers

altar servers

What We Do: Boys and girls starting in 5th grade who prayerfully and reverently assist at Eucharistic celebrations.

Whom We Serve: Jesus, Our Lord

Training: Initial group training (about 3 hours)

Time Commitment: At least one Mass per month, based on your availability

Contact: Kathy Guthrie, Liturgy Coordinator, 913-422-5700 ext 229 or


Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EME)

extraordinary ministers of the eucharist

What We Do: Serve the Body and Blood of Christ at all Masses.

Whom We Serve: Parishioners

Training: 1.5 Hour Orientation Session.

Time Commitment: Serve 2-3 times per month at Mass you attend.

Contact: Lisa Aschenbrenner,, 785.817.2430



What We Do: Welcome parishioners and visitors to Mass.

Whom We Serve: Parish/Visitors

Training: 1 Hour orientation session

Time Commitment: Half hour about once or twice a quarter to welcome guests & parishioners to Mass.

Contact: Tara Green, or 913-422-5700, ext. 253


ambo and bible

What We Do: Proclaim the Word of God at weekend and Holy Day Masses.

Whom We Serve: Parish

Training: Session and 1 training per year thereafter

Time Commitment: One Mass a month.

Contact: Steve Nelson at, 913.963.3612

Music Ministry


What We Do: The goal of the music ministry at Sacred Heart is to bring the liturgy to life. Music enables us to glorify the Lord as together we raise our voices in song.

Whom We Serve: Parish

Training: N/A

Time Commitment: Attend weekly Choir Practices.

Contact: Contact the Parish Office at 913-422-5700.


What We Do: Men and women who facilitate seating at Mass, gather the offering, and anticipate needs of those attending.

Whom We Serve: Parish

Training: Orientation Session (1.5 hours)

Time Commitment: 30 minutes before Mass to provide seating and Offertory collection at Mass

Contact: Dean Owens at 816-985-4139